ESE SYLLABUS FOR Mechanical Engineering
1. Fluid Mechanics:
Basic Concepts and Properties of Fluids, Manometry, Fluid Statics, Buoyancy, Equations of Motion, Bernoulli’s equation and
applications, Viscous flow of incompressible fluids, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Flow through pipes and head losses in pipes.
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer:
Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substance; Zeroth, First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics; Entropy,
Irreversibility and availability; analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion: Rankine, Otto, Diesel and Dual Cycles;
ideal and real gases; compressibility factor; Gas mixtures.
Modes of heat transfer, Steady and unsteady heat conduction, Thermal resistance, Fins, Free and forced convection, Correlations for
convective heat transfer, Radiative heat transfer – Radiation heat transfer co-efficient; boiling and condensation, Heat exchanger
performance analysis.
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning:
SI and CI Engines, Engine Systems and Components, Performance characteristics and testing of IC Engines; Fuels; Emissions and
Emission Control. Vapour compression refrigeration, Refrigerants and Working cycles, Compressors, Condensers, Evaporators and
Expansion devices, Other types of refrigeration systems like Vapour Absorption, Vapour jet, thermo electric and Vortex tube
refrigeration. Psychometric properties and processes, Comfort chart, Comfort and industrial air conditioning, Load calculations and Heat
4. Turbo Machinery:
Reciprocating and Rotary pumps, Pelton wheel, Kaplan and Francis Turbines, velocity diagrams, Impulse and Reaction principles, Steam
and Gas Turbines, Theory of Jet Propulsion – Pulse jet and Ram Jet Engines, Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors – Theory and Applications
5. Power Plant Engineering:
Rankine and Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat, Fuels and their properties, Flue gas analysis, Boilers, steam turbines and other
power plant components like condensers, air ejectors, electrostatic precipitators and cooling towers – their theory and design, types and
6. Renewable Sources of Energy:
Solar Radiation, Solar Thermal Energy collection - Flat Plate and focusing collectors their materials and performance. Solar Thermal
Energy Storage, Applications – heating, cooling and Power Generation; Solar Photovoltaic Conversion; Harnessing of Wind Energy,
Bio-mass and Tidal Energy – Methods and Applications, Working principles of Fuel Cells.
7. Engineering Mechanics:
Analysis of System of Forces, Friction, Centroid and Centre of Gravity, Dynamics; Stresses and Strains-Compound Stresses and Strains,
Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagrams, Theory of Bending Stresses- Slope and deflection-Torsion, Thin and thick Cylinders,
8. Engineering Materials:
Basic Crystallography, Alloys and Phase diagrams, Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals, Non metallic materials, Basics of
Nano-materials, Mechanical Properties and Testing, Corrosion prevention and control
9. Mechanisms and Machines:
Types of Kinematics Pair, Mobility, Inversions, Kinematic Analysis, Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of Planar Mechanisms, CAMs
with uniform acceleration and retardation, cycloidal motion, oscillating followers; Vibrations –Free and forced vibration of undamped
and damped SDOF systems, Transmissibility Ratio, Vibration Isolation, Critical Speed of Shafts. Gears – Geometry of tooth profiles,
Law of gearing, Involute profile, Interference, Helical, Spiral and Worm Gears, Gear Trains- Simple, compound and Epicyclic; Dynamic
Analysis – Slider – crank mechanisms, turning moment computations, balancing of Revolving & Reciprocating masses, Gyroscopes –
Effect of Gyroscopic couple on automobiles, ships and aircrafts, Governors.
10. Design of Machine Elements:
Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine elements
such as riveted, welded and bolted joints. Shafts, Spur gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, Brakes and clutches, flywheels.
11. Manufacturing ,Industrial and Maintenance Engineering:
Metal casting-Metal forming, Metal Joining, Machining and machine tool operations, Limits, fits and tolerances, Metrology and
inspection, computer Integrated manufacturing, FMS, Production planning and Control, Inventory control and operations research - CPMPERT. Failure concepts and characteristics-Reliability, Failure analysis, Machine Vibration, Data acquisition, Fault Detection, Vibration
Monitoring, Field Balancing of Rotors, Noise Monitoring, Wear and Debris Analysis, Signature Analysis, NDT Techniques in Condition
12. Mechatronics and Robotics:
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, programming, I/O, Computer interfacing, Programmable logic controller. Sensors
and actuators, Piezoelectric accelerometer, Hall effect sensor, Optical Encoder, Resolver, Inductosyn, Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuators,
stepper motor, Control Systems- Mathematical modeling of Physical systems, control signals, controllability and observability. Robotics,
Robot Classification, Robot Specification, notation; Direct and Inverse Kinematics; Homogeneous Coordinates and Arm Equation of
four Axis SCARA Robot.
ESE SYLLABUS FOR Mechanical Engineering By GENERAL STUDIES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINATION,ies general studies,ies general studies syllabus,ies general studies handwritten notes pdf,ese general studies notes pdf,ies general studies syllabus pdf download,ies general studies syllabus 2020,ies general studies weightage,iesgeneralstudies,Engineering Aptitude,Engineering Mathematics ,General Principles of Design, Drawing,,Basics of Project Management,ICT based tools,Ethics and values

- Ethics and values in Engineering profession
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology based education.
- Basics of Material Science and Engineering
- Basics of Project Management
- Basics of Energy and Environment : Conservation, environmental
- Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
- General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety

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Saturday, May 4, 2019
ESE SYLLABUS FOR Mechanical Engineering
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