ESE SYLLABUS FOR Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
1. Basic Electronics Engineering:
Basics of semiconductors; Diode/Transistor basics and characteristics; Diodes for different uses; Junction & Field Effect Transistors
(BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs); Transistor amplifiers of different types, oscillators and other circuits; Basics of Integrated Circuits (ICs);
Bipolar, MOS and CMOS ICs; Basics of linear ICs, operational amplifiers and their applications-linear/non-linear; Optical
sources/detectors; Basics of Opto electronics and its applications.
2. Basic Electrical Engineering:
DC circuits-Ohm’s & Kirchoff’s laws, mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems; Electro-magnetism, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws,
induced EMF and its uses; Single-phase AC circuits; Transformers, efficiency; Basics-DC machines, induction machines, and
synchronous machines; Electrical power sources- basics: hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, wind, solar; Basics of batteries and their
3. Materials Science:
Electrical Engineering materials; Crystal structure & defects; Ceramic materials-structures, composites, processing and uses;
Insulating laminates for electronics, structures, properties and uses; Magnetic materials, basics, classification, ferrites, ferro/paramagnetic materials and components; Nano materials-basics, preparation, purification, sintering, nano particles and uses; Nanooptical/magnetic/electronic materials and uses; Superconductivity, uses.
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation:
Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision and standards; Analog and Digital systems for measurement, measuring instruments
for different applications; Static/dynamic characteristics of measurement systems, errors, statistical analysis and curve fitting;
Measurement systems for non-electrical quantities; Basics of telemetry; Different types of transducers and displays; Data
acquisition system basics.
5. Network Theory:
Network graphs & matrices; Wye-Delta transformation; Linear constant coefficient differential equations- time domain analysis of
RLC circuits;
Solution of network equations using Laplace transforms- frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits; 2-port network parametersdriving point & transfer functions; State equations for networks; Steady state sinusoidal analysis.
6. Analog and Digital Circuits:
Small signal equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTS and FETs; Diode circuits for different uses; Biasing & stability of BJT & JFET
amplifier circuits; Analysis/design of amplifier- single/multi-stage; Feedback& uses; Active filters, timers, multipliers, wave
shaping, A/D-D/A converters; Boolean Algebra& uses; Logic gates, Digital IC families, Combinatorial/sequential circuits; Basics
of multiplexers, counters/registers/ memories /microprocessors, design& applications.
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems:
Random signals, noise, probability theory, information theory; Analog versus digital communication & applications: Systems- AM,
FM, transmitters/receivers, theory/practice/ standards, SNR comparison; Digital communication basics: Sampling, quantizing,
coding, PCM, DPCM, multiplexing-audio/video; Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK; Multiple access: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA;
Optical communication: fibre optics, theory, practice/standards.
2. Control Systems:
Classification of signals and systems; Application of signal and system theory; System realization; Transforms& their applications;
Signal flow graphs, Routh-Hurwitz criteria, root loci, Nyquist/Bode plots; Feedback systems-open &close loop types, stability
analysis, steady state, transient and frequency response analysis; Design of control systems, compensators, elements of lead/lag
compensation, PID and industrial controllers.
3. Computer Organization and Architecture:
Basic architecture, CPU, I/O organisation, memory organisation, peripheral devices, trends; Hardware /software issues; Data
representation& Programming; Operating systems-basics, processes, characteristics, applications; Memory management, virtual
memory, file systems, protection & security; Data bases, different types, characteristics and design; Transactions and concurrency
control; Elements of programming languages, typical examples.
4. Electro Magnetics:
Elements of vector calculus, Maxwell’s equations-basic concepts; Gauss’, Stokes’ theorems; Wave propagation through different
media; Transmission Lines-different types, basics, Smith’s chart, impedance matching/transformation, S-parameters, pulse
excitation, uses; Waveguides-basics, rectangular types, modes, cut-off frequency, dispersion, dielectric types; Antennas-radiation
pattern, monopoles/dipoles, gain, arrays-active/passive, theory, uses.
5. Advanced Electronics Topics:
VLSI technology: Processing, lithography, interconnects, packaging, testing; VLSI design: Principles, MUX/ROM/PLA-based
design, Moore & Mealy circuit design; Pipeline concepts & functions; Design for testability, examples; DSP: Discrete time
signals/systems, uses; Digital filters: FIR/IIR types, design, speech/audio/radar signal processing uses; Microprocessors &
microcontrollers, basics, interrupts, DMA, instruction sets, interfacing; Controllers & uses; Embedded systems.
6. Advanced Communication Topics:
Communication networks: Principles /practices /technologies /uses /OSI model/security; Basic packet multiplexed streams/scheduling;
Cellular networks, types, analysis, protocols (TCP/TCPIP); Microwave & satellite communication: Terrestrial/space type LOS systems,
block schematics link calculations, system design; Communication satellites, orbits, characteristics, systems, uses; Fibre-optic
communication systems, block schematics, link calculations, system design GENERAL STUDIES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINATION,ies general studies,ies general studies syllabus,ies general studies handwritten notes pdf,ese general studies notes pdf,ies general studies syllabus pdf download,ies general studies syllabus 2020,ies general studies weightage,iesgeneralstudies,Engineering Aptitude,Engineering Mathematics ,General Principles of Design, Drawing,,Basics of Project Management,ICT based tools,Ethics and values

- Ethics and values in Engineering profession
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology based education.
- Basics of Material Science and Engineering
- Basics of Project Management
- Basics of Energy and Environment : Conservation, environmental
- Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
- General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety

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