Chemical Bonding
There are two types of chemical bonds:-
1)Primary bonds:- it is interatomic bond.
2)Secondary bonds:-It is intermolecular bonds,it is also known as Vander waals bond.It acts between nucleus of one atom and electrons of other atom.
Primary bonds are further subdevided into following categories:-
IONIC BONDS:-It is unidirectional in nature.
COVALENT BONDS:-it's nature is directional
METALLIC BONDS:-It acts between electron cloud and positive ions.
Secondary bonds are classified in these categories:-
DISPERSION BONDS:-It is formed due to polarization,polarization is due to displacement between centres of positive and negative charge,electron distribution is not symmetrical.
DIPOLE BONDS:-it is formed due to unequal sharing of electrons between two atom,permanent dipoles are created from this bondings.
HYDROGEN BONDS:-This is special type of dipole bonds formed between atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.